

Day 3 Dominance: iQOO Soul and Team XSpark Lead the Charge in Upthrust Esports India Rising Series 2024 BGMI Week 2 Qualifiers

March 27

Day 3 of the Upthrust Esports India Rising Series 2024 Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) Week 2 qualifier event was an intense affair, with experienced teams iQOO Soul and Team XSpark showcasing their dominance.

Dominant Performances and Strategic Mastery

Rudra “Spower” from iQOO Soul and Harsh “Spraygod” Malik from Team XSpark demonstrated their skills by leading the finish tables with 30 and 26 finishes, respectively. Their exceptional gameplay emphasized the competition and skill level in the series, raising the bar for future matches.

Match-by-Match Analysis

The day began with Match 1 on Erangel, in which Uprising Rivals secured 17 points and grabbed the chicken dinner, while iQOO Soul accumulated the highest points, totaling 20. With five finishes, Spower from iQOO Soul was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP). This match showcased the tough competition and strategic depth of the teams.

In Match 2, played on Miramar, Marcos Gaming claimed a 23-point chicken dinner, with Demigod as their MVP, who secured five finishes. This game was tightly contested, with iQOO Soul and Global Esports each finishing with eleven points.

Match 3 on Erangel turned into a war zone, with Carnival Gaming winning by a significant margin, securing 16 points. Uprising Rivals followed closely behind, finishing second with 15 points, ten of which came from finishes. Sam from Uprising Rivals, with five solo finishes, earned the MVP title.

In Match 4 on Miramar, R Esports took the lead with an 18-point chicken dinner. Global Esports, matching their points but placed second due to finishes, saw Ninjaboi as their MVP, contributing four solo finishes.

Match 5 on Erangel had Carnival Gaming continuing its winning streak with a 16-point chicken dinner. Gujarat Tigers were a close second, just one point behind, with Nishant “Apollo” achieving MVP status thanks to his six finishes.

The final match of the day on Miramar was a comeback story for Team Tamilas, who secured a 17-point chicken dinner. Spraygod of Team XSpark, with seven finishes, was named the MVP. Uprising Rivals and Hydra Esports each secured fourth and fifth places, earning 8 points. Meanwhile, Team Forever and WSB Gaming were eliminated early, scoring no points.

In conclusion, Day 3 of the series witnessed a dynamic shift in the competitive hierarchy, with stalwarts iQOO Soul and Team XSpark asserting their dominance alongside rising forces like R Esports and Uprising Rivals. This day marked a period of upheaval, with even seasoned teams such as Global Esports, Team 8Bit, and Carnival Gaming facing challenges and landing in the latter part of the points table. The day’s events underscored the evolving landscape of the tournament, highlighting the fluid nature of esports where legacy and experience must continually prove their worth against the vigor and strategy of emerging teams.

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